Enhancing the Progress of LASIK Surgery

Enhancing the Progress of LASIK Surgery

Fort Worth LASIK surgery can change a person’s life. LASIK itself has become one of the most popular elective surgeries of the 21st century with more than one million people in the United States undergoing the procedure each year. It removes the burden of cumbersome glasses and raises the self-esteem of someone who has thought of his or herself as a “four eyes” for years. If you chose contact lenses over glasses, you will no longer have to think about one popping out of your eye or having to soak them in solution each night and then insert them in your eyes each morning.

For some people, Fort Worth LASIK eye surgery may not be the only procedure they need. Months or even years down the line, they might find they need LASIK enhancement. The cost of the enhancement can often be worked into your original Fort Worth LASIK package so it is not something you’d have to consider if enhancement surgery becomes necessary. There is no way to tell if you will need an enhancement eye surgery, as each case is individual and countless people never have to have their LASIK enhanced. People who suffer from nearsightedness have a better chance of never needing enhancement than those who suffer from farsightedness, as nearsightedness is far easier to correct in just one try. This is so because the cornea on a nearsighted eye is flatter and easier to reshape than one on a farsighted eye. Also, the rate at which a doctor has to perform enhancements has no bearings on his success rate as a LASIK surgeon. For example, if the doctor’s patients are mainly older, they will have a higher chance of needing an enhancement than younger patients.

The enhancement LASIK surgery in Fort Worth is much like the original surgery. The pre-op and post-op instructions will remain the same. For example, do not wear eye makeup or any cosmetics by the eyes for the days leading up to and the days after LASIK in Fort Worth. Prescription eye drops will still be necessary, as will the avoidance of hot tubs, swimming pools and rubbing your eyes. Like original LASIK, the enhancement surgery will still be performed on an outpatient basis and you will still need a ride home as your eyes recover, making it unsafe for you to drive. By now, however, you should be familiar with how things will go and how you need to treat your eyes and the fear of the unknown should be gone.


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